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70net永乐高 浏览次数:903 分类:行业资讯

We\’ve come a long way in the past 50 years for renewable energy, but even our highly advanced solar panels need a little bit of help every now and then. They\’ve got a big job–and that means they need to be protected properly so that they can do that job in a variety of harsh environments and situations. That\’s where parylene comes in.

A Crucial Piece

Solar panels rely heavily on delicate electronics. The only problem is that these electronics can be difficult to protect in the wide variety of situations where solar panels are necessary–everything from watches to powering homes–and the small parts can be damaged easily. This means that the panels are exposed constantly to the elements and can wear down over time, but can only be protected by a coating that doesn\’t interrupt the function of each individual component. Our parylene experts know that parylene is the perfect choice because, in addition to being reliable, it offers:

  • Flexibility that allows the panels to be repositioned without ruining the coating or harming the electronics
  • Protection against gases, chemicals, extreme temperatures, and environmental hazards
  • Pinhole-free and long-lasting coating that puts a uniform coating across any area
  • Ability to efficiently coat even the most unusually shaped electronic components

This coating is known for being used in countless industries, but its unique properties make it especially useful in this case. Because parylene is lightweight, strong, and reliable, it is often used on solar panels to help make renewable energy a more efficient choice. Solar panels have a warranty of up to 30 years, but without protection, they often only last for half that time–so parylene is not just defending the panels and the delicate electronics, but keeping them functioning and reliable for longer periods of time.


曩昔五十年来,我们在可再生资源层面获得了长久的提升,但即使是我国老前辈的太阳能发电板,也必需一点点的协助。她们有一个非常大的工作中 – 这代表着她们必需获得合适珍惜,便于她们可以在各种各样恶劣的环境和状况下做此项工作中。那便是派瑞林来啦。


太阳能发电板焦虑不安借助于细腻电子设备。唯一的题型是,在必需太阳能发电板的各类状况下,这种电子产品很有可能无法珍惜 – 从腕表到配电家中 – 及其小构件都非常容易毁坏。这代表着控制面板历久弥新曝露在元器件上,并很有可能伴随着時间的变化而损坏,但只有根据不容易危害每一个部件作用的镀层开展珍惜。大家的派瑞林权威专家了解派瑞林是健全的挑选,因为除开靠谱以外,它还给予:

  • 纯真性批准控制面板重新定位,而不容易毁坏镀层或毁坏电子元器件
  • 避免汽体,化工品,强对流天气和环境破坏
  • 无针眼和长久的镀层,可在一切地区匀称涂敷
  • 可以有商业用地喷涂最十分外观设计的电子元器件

这类镀层已经知道用以成千上万领域,但其与众不同的特性使其在这样的情况下格外合理。因为派瑞林是质轻,牢固,靠谱的,它经常用以太阳能发电板,以协助使可再生资源变成更有效的挑选。太阳能发电板的质保将近30年,但沒有珍惜,他们通常只有不断一半時间 – 因此派瑞林不仅是珍惜控制面板和精致的电子元器件,并且维持他们的运作和稳定性更长的時间。









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