70net永乐高|官方网站-App Store ?p=11904#comment-11679 Mon, 17 Oct 2022 07:26:50 +0000 http://www.paiqinano.com/?p=11904#comment-11679 lasix indication Confocal microscopy images of a GFP LC3 construct transiently transfected into the two cell lines showed that in untreated or DMSO treated cells, there was a diffuse GFP staining pattern punctae, whereas after treatment with C DIMs, GFP LC3 was primarily localized in vacuoles Figure 4A and 4B]]> lasix indication Confocal microscopy images of a GFP LC3 construct transiently transfected into the two cell lines showed that in untreated or DMSO treated cells, there was a diffuse GFP staining pattern punctae, whereas after treatment with C DIMs, GFP LC3 was primarily localized in vacuoles Figure 4A and 4B
